If Tea was a Teacher: here are 6 life lessons that each one would probably teach us!

  1. Classic Darjeeling Tea

The teacher that teaches us the real price of hard work

  1. Healthy Green Tea

The teacher that teaches us the quote:

“Early to bed, early to rise, Makes a man, Healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

  1. Unique Oolong Tea

The teacher that teaches us that each student is special

  1. Soft White Tea

The teacher that teaches us that sometimes silence is golden

  1. Robust Masala Tea

The teacher that teaches us that it is okay to ask too many questions

  1. Healing Jasmine Tea

The teacher that teaches us that failure is a stepping stone towards success

Words fall short to describe a teacher for their selfless service. The year 2020 has seen a new dimension in learning in the form of online classes and zoom calls, and teachers have diligently updated themselves to make sure that students keep in touch with their academic education amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.

For all their lessons, in the classroom and beyond, we say: “Thank You, Teacher”!


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