How to Brew the Perfect Masala Chai?

There is nothing more joyous than the satisfaction of slurping a robust masala chai straight from the authentic ‘kulhad’ or clay cup in the tea stalls of India. We teach you just how to prepare that perfect cup of masala chai, Indian Street Style!


  • A Strong Black CTC Tea
  • Darjeeling Black Leaf Tea (For Fragrance)
  • Sweetener of Choice
  • Milk of Choice

For Spice Blend:

  • 1 whole Cinnamon bark 
  • 2-3 Cloves 
  • 1 Tsp. Crushed Ginger
  • 1 Bay Leaf
  • 3-4 Cardamom pods 
  • A pinch of crushed black pepper


  • Add milk to a deep saucepan and bring it to a gentle simmer
  • While the milk simmers, crush your spice blend into a coarse mixture (For the true authentic feel use a stone mortar and pestle)
  • When the milk comes to a rolling boil, mix in the sweetener
  • Add the tea leaves and let it come to a boil, lower the heat and boil the tea for a good 5 minutes
  • Add the spice mix towards the end and let it sit on a low flame for 2 minutes
  • Pour the tea and enjoy it hot!

To bring you that joyful comfort right at home, our in-house blenders have manifested our very own Masala Chai! Darjeeling tea leaves made bold acquaintance with  Assam CTC and were power punched by India’s favourite spices like cardamom, clove, dry ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper to brew you a frothy elixir of energy that bursts with a fireworks of flavours. 

Get Hold Of Our Bespoke Masala Chai Blend Here! 


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