Together We Can: Support Conservation Efforts in Darjeeling Himalayas

Mayukh Tea Press Release buy Darjeeling Tea Online
We were happy to be a part of this wonderful initiative by The Eastern Himalayan Guide Association. They conducted the annual tree-planting ceremony at Tiger Hill (Senchel Wildlife Sanctuary). The group has planted Rhododendron and other native flowering trees. 
We hope to continue supporting these conservation efforts by our community. Together, we can help to restore the biodiversity of our fragile Eastern Himalayan Region including Darjeeling. 

About Senchel Wildlife Sanctuary

Also known as Tiger Hill, this a religiously and ecologically significant site for all of Darjeeling. It has two lakes and the catchment area provides most the town with water supply. Senchel also happens to be one of the oldest wildlife sanctuaries of India covering an area of 38.6 km2 and an elevation range between 4,900 to 8,500 ft. The sanctuary consists of compactly blended natural and man-made forests. Oak is the most represented, followed by Kapasi, Katus, Kawla, Champ, etc.

Darjeeling's Biodiversity

Although the landscape here is mostly covered with the famous Darjeeling tea, historically it was only introduced here in 1841 by Archibald Cambell under the East India Company. Even before Camellia sinensis, these hills were rich with native forest covers of diverse Himalayan plants and trees. So, it is our great honour to be part of such conservation initiatives by our community to give back to the Land which blesses us with the best tea in the world.
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